Saturday 23rd November 2024 On-line forum
We met on-line for an informal, friendly chat on issues pertaining to supervision.
23rd March 2024 Embodied presence, listening and use of facilitative questions in supervision, facilitated by Prof Divine Charura.
Divine led us in an experiential workshop which explored embodied presence, listening and use of facilitative questions in supervision. He also provided an extensive reading list of resources should we want to look into this very interesting topic in more depth. We thoroughly enjoyed our morning with him.
5th October 2024 'Supervising Difficult Supervisees' facilitated by Heather Dale and Justyna Muller.
What a good way to spend a morning with Heather and Justyna leading us through discussions about our perceptions of difficult supervisees and how we handle them or ourselves, if we too are difficult supervisees. We shared our experiences and learnt from others. Thank you, Heather and Justyna for your care and effort. It was very much appreciated.
15th June 2024 'What makes a perfect supervisor?'
Jane Vincent and Paul Goode led a very interesting discussion on the theme of what makes a perfect or good enough supervisor. We shared our best and worst experiences of being supervised and thought about the top, key qualities which we would like to have and be as supervisors. We also explored how our clinical modalities/theories impacted on supervision and whether our supervisory offerings had changed over the years as we gained experience. It was a fruitful morning. Thank you, Jane and Paul.
20th January 2024 Online Networking Members Meeting via Zoom.
Another chance to discuss current issues and thoughts with YSF members.
14th October 2023 'Looking after ourselves and our pockets' facilitated by Amelie Lavan and Ian Wallace.
Amelie and Ian ran a workshop which explored the theme of therapist self care - an easily ignored area without much written about it. We experienced a money sharing exercise and discussed our reactions to it, touching on themes of value. We then looked at the strains of therapeutic work and how we can be affected by it. Barriers to self care and some self care domains and strategies were explored. We then discussed the above and applied it to our experiences as therapists and supervisors. One person wrote in her feedback that she enjoyed 'getting together with friendly therapists and having space to reflect together'.
18th November 2023 Online Networking Members Meeting via Zoom.
Another very interesting discussion on self care, amongst other themes and an opportunity to connect to other therapists.
24th June 2023 'Decolonising supervision: What is decolonisation, why is it significant for our work and how might we respond to it?' faciltated by Lynne Gabriel.
The session provided a confidential space in which to explore our supervision practices and beliefs. It created an opportunity to discuss the increasingly contended concept of decolonisation. Decolonisation refers to a process of exploring and unpacking the influences and impacts of historical and colonial-influenced theories and practices, ethnic rivalries, and human rights violations.
The workshop provided a lot of scope for further thought and we thank Lynne Gabriel for bringing it to our attention.
15th April 2023 Informal Online Networking event for Yorkshire Supervisors' Forum Members
More interesting discussions and our open forum was well attended. These events help us to connect and support each other.
12th November 2022 Informal Online Networking event for Yorkshire Supervisors' Forum Members
Interesting discussions and our open forum was well attended. These events help us to connect and support each other.
1st October 2022 "Neurodiversity Awareness in Supervision" facilitated by Justyna Muller and Desmond Reid.
In this workshop Des and Justyna invited us to think and reflect on our understanding of neurodiversity. It focussed on neurodivergent people in supervisory relationships, they offered us space to explore and reflect on our own unique ways of seeing and perceiving the world around us. This workshop was a mixture of powerpoint presentation, video clips and gave us plenty of space for small group work.
Feburary 2022 'Supervising Somatic Therapy Online" – benefits, challenges, and reflection', facilitated by Justyna Muller.
This interesting and thought provoking event Justyna allowed us space to discuss and reflect on how we use somatic awareness while working on screens or by phone and when the visibility of client’s or supervisee’s body is limited to within the screen or is invisible. Is the somatic resonance still happening? And if so, can we work with this?
2nd October 2021 'Creative Supervision' faciltated by Alison Gilmour
Feedback from one of the group who attended Alison's workshop:
"Thank you so much to Alison for this stimulating workshop, which will stay with me and has already made me see some of my work differently, and made me reflect on how supervision can come to life... the breakout room was a great experience – I think Zoom works really well with pair/group practical work. I think then individual creative ‘exercises’ would also work well in this format. I hope this feedback is helpful for the blended format, which was so good for me as I couldn't have travelled (petrol!) and would have missed it" It was an interesting and thought provoking day with Alison, who raised many good topics of conversation for the small group discussions, both in the venue and online.
26th June 2021 'There's a hole in my bucket!' Exploring wider themes around loss', facilitated by Amelie Lavan and Ian Wallace.
Amelie and Ian presented this interesting topic which was well received by the group and stimulated lots of conversation.
In the unprecedented events of the last few months, we have all felt the presence of loss in one form or another, both personally and professionally as therapists and supervisors. We explored wider themes around loss, the effects of loss on us and how we might support ourselves and our supervisees when we experience it.
September 2020 'Supervising during a pandemic: what we are learning?' facilitated by Amy Mills.
The workshop provided immensely interesting and thought provoking discussions for all that attended. The richness of the conversations in small groups was really powerful and made all of us think about the wider aspects of not only offering supervision but also on how we manage to support and help the people we work with. This once again shows how much experience and knowledge the group have and how we all benefit from the discussions we have. Thank you, Amy for this very interesting CPD delivered as always in a very professional and interesting way.
June 2020 'Working with Trauma and Supervision' faciltated by Paul Goode.
When medics use the word trauma, it often refers to a physical injury. The general public and mental health professions to some extent, tend to think only of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In this workshop, facilitated by fellow YSF member Paul Goode, the extremely broad field of trauma was explored, along with its causes and its consequences. The main neurobiological mechanisms that are involved were discussed by using a particular conceptual model of the brain and memory. The concept of dissociation was also explored.
Paul is a BACP Accredited psychotherapist. He is also an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant and Supervisor. With a background in primary care mental health/IAPT in the NHS he has specialised in trauma for over 10 years. He has worked with clients who have experienced a wide range of trauma especially in childhood from either abuse and/or poor attachment. Paul has presented training on the subject to students on counselling courses, voluntary agencies and other colleagues. We were in good hands and Paul delivered a fascinating workshop.
February 2020 'The use of technology in supervision in the Digital Age' faciltated by Kate Anthony
Dr Kate Anthony was a well-respected expert in the use of technology in mental health services.
She was a Fellow of BACP, and CEO of the Online Therapy Institute – a training organisation
about and for the field of online therapy and counselling.
The workshop introduced us to the use of technology in supervisory services in the Digital Age.
Working online via the Internet with clients and supervisees has traditionally been met with
suspicion by the mental health profession, yet has been shown to be economic, convenient
and effective. We were very sad and shocked to hear the news that Kate died in July 2023.
October 2019 "Reflections on Supervision" facilated by Jo Brackenbury and Amelie Lavan
This workshop gave us space to share our experiences, insights and thoughts on this unique relationship.
The topics we explored were *Supervision of supervision – when is enough enough?
*When does supervision become therapy?
*What dynamics are at play when supervising therapists who work for organisations compared to those in private practice? It was an open session and participants came with their own suggestions for small group discussions.
June 2019 'To be met as a person in supervision: exploring key ideas from the work of Una McCluskey' facilitated by Christine Bailey
In this workshop Christine invited us to explore these questions using ideas from the work of Una McCluskey, Dorothy Heard and Brian Lake. Between them these practitioner academics went “beyond Bowlby” to discover the 7 instinctive biological attachment systems in adult life. Integrating this theory with her research on effective caregiving, Dr Una McCluskey created Exploratory Goal Corrected PsychotherapyTM(EGCP) as a way of exploring how these 7 systems work together to create a Restorative Process, which enables people to recover and maintain their wellbeing – whether clients, supervisees or supervisors.
June 2018 'The Adult Attachment Tool' facilitated by Jane Vincent.
The Adult Attachment Interview tool can help us to think about defences, resistance and transference phenomena and the impact of early insecure and disorganised attachment relationships on current functioning in the supervisory triad.
For a overview of the presentation please follow this link