Yorkshire Supervisors' Forum

Saturday 5th October 2024 10am -1pm Quaker Meeting House, York

'Supervising Difficult Supervisees' facilitated by Heather Dale and Justyna Muller

In this workshop, we will look at our own experiences of “difficult” supervisees and explore the interaction between supervisors and supervisees. We will start by acknowledging that we all hold both roles in this room, as we are all supervisors and supervisees. We will explore the correlation between what kind of supervisees we are and therefore what kind of supervisors we are. To demonstrate the above and bring reflections to life, we will introduce the theory of Yalom's “problem patients” and Steiner’s drama triangle and how these can be used to understand what is happening in supervision in times of stuckness.

Heather Dale is a long-standing committee member of YSF and a longstanding therapist and supervisor in private practiceis a senior accredited member of BACP and a Fellow of that organization. She has a passion for discussing ethical dilemmas in practice and is a former editor of the Dilemmas column in Therapy Today. She contributes to BACP's Good Practice in Action resources, most recently writing a resource on good contracts in therapy. She is the (joint) author of Personal Development Groups for Trainee Counsellors.

Justyna Muller is a committee member of the Yorkshire Supervisors' Forum and a BACP Accredited Member. She is a humanistic counsellor, psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. She works on many different levels, combining traditional and modern schools of counselling, psychotherapy and research drawing from different approaches including, Jungian psychology, psychodynamic, somatic therapy, dream analysis, trauma work, relationship and creative therapy.

Saturday 23rd November 2024

On line Members’ Forum and Committee Meeting

Saturday 15th March 2025. St Georges' Centre, Leeds.

The impact of supervising other therapy modalities on our core supervisory style and approach, facitated by Dr Yvonne Waft.

In this session, Dr. Yvonne Waft will use a mixture of formal presentation, group discussion and pair work to explore how supervising and practising multiple therapy modalities can bring benefits but also challenges to our core initial supervisor and therapeutic approach and style. Using her considerable experience of EMDR where Yvonne will go through the main expectations of practising and supervising this modality, we will explore and discuss the impact of practising other approaches on how we conduct and perhaps adapt our own supervisory style. We will share our own experiences of, and learning from, supervising other modalities.

Dr. Yvonne Waft is a Clinical Psychologist and EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant and Supervisor. In addition, Yvonne is an EMDR Europe accredited training facilitator. She is author of the recently published and highly successful book ‘Coping with Trauma, surviving and thriving in the face of overwhelming events’, copies of which will be available for sale at the event. Having worked in the NHS in West Yorkshire for many years, she now runs a busy online private therapy and supervision practice. Trained in a number of therapy modalities including Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), Yvonne works mainly with individuals with complex trauma presentations and supports other talking therapy professionals in their work with trauma through teaching, training and clinical supervision and offers Expert Witness services to the legal profession.

Saturday 21st June 2025.

DBT and Supervision facilitated by Gail Smith. Quaker Meeting House, York

Saturday 19th October 2025

Going into private practice; preparing trainee supervisees, facilitated by Heather Dale and Christine Bailey. Quaker Meeting House, York


Workshop fees for 2023 are £25.00 for Yorkshire Supervisors' Forum members and £40.00 for non-members.

Lunch is included for all delegates attending in person.

In person places are limited by venue capacity - if you would prefer to book an in person place, please specify this in your booking form under "access needs" below.

Please note that by filling in the booking form, you accept our terms and conditions. You can cancel your booking and receive a FULL refund any time up to 30 days before the event. After that, NO refund is possible and the full fee will be retained. This is because we have already committed to booking the accommodation and food for the event and are unable ourselves to change our financial obligations. Thank you.


Once you have submitted your booking you should receive a confirmation email from us. Please keep hold of this email as a reference for any future queries. Payment of £25 for members or £40 for non-members should now be made via Internet Banking or by Cheque.

New Policy

Thanks and apologies to everybody who has used our Paypal link over the years but for technical reasons, we’ve decided to withdraw from PayPal. Our bank also charges us for processing cheques so we’d love you to choose paying us by BACS which means we receive the full amount.

Payment by Internet Banking

Please pay by Internet Banking to our account with your name as the reference:

Yorkshire Supervisors Forum
Sort Code: 40 27 15
Account No: 44254856

Payment by Cheque

Please print out a copy of your confirmation email and post it with a cheque payable to Yorkshire Supervisors’ Forum. Post to:

Jane Vincent,16 Pasture Terrace, Leeds, LS7 4QR

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